Friday, July 29, 2011

reading response from URL using java in android app

recently, while working on one android app, i came across the situation where i need to get response from the file which is located on web. means i have one URL of file which has response code like "done" and "error"!

so i need to get that "done" if certain operation is success, if operation fails i ll receive "error".

so how to do that in java?

* first you need to import "*;" package in your source file which has "URL" class.

* create object of URL class

URL url = new URL(""+uname+"&password="+pass);

(in my case each time i need to send user credentials, you can see "uname" & "pass" are passed eachtime dynamically, if credentials matched, the response i will get is "done", if it fails i will get "error")

*create object of "BufferReader" class.

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(

* yay! your r done with the code! just create one variable to hold input stream from the file. and create another variable to compare result of input stream.

String inputLine;
String isdone="Done";

* just run one while loop to fetch content from the file. ;)

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)

if(inputLine.compareTo(isdone) == 0)
//Trigger an action if response is "Done"
//Trigger an action if response is "Error"

for further reading refer below articles:

adios !

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