Saturday, July 30, 2011

i 'll always remember you

i wrote this poem in memory of my first best friend "Sanjay", who lost his life because of blood cancer 4 years ago. may your soul rest in peace sanjay.

i'll always remember you my friend,
i still remember the day when sir introduced you to the class,
from the moment you chose to sit next me,
i knew our friendship going to be larger than life.

i 'll always remember how we used to play video games those days,
i was certainly so jealous of you scoring good points in games than me,
i still remember how we used to play with that tiny electric motor,
i 'll never forget how cooking interested you.

i still remember the face of your mom,
how much happy she was to see us playing together and having fun,
i still remember how the news of your cancer struck me in my heart the first time,
i had a faith in god, you will not leave me so early,
after all you were my only best friend,

i still remember you told me you are going to be okay,
but i didn,t know that god can be so cruel,
i didn't know god will take away my best friend from me,
i still remember the day when you left the word,
i wish i was with you,

the time i had with you was best-est time i had with any of my friend,
now the time has passed, i have grown up,
but moments of our time together are still in my heart,
i cant imagine the situation of your mom every time she sees me,
she also wanted to see her child like this, grown up!

no matter how older i will grow,
no matter in which corner of the world i 'll be,
i 'll always remember you!
