Sunday, December 11, 2011

what is the difference between Computer Science & Computer Engineering?

not a bad question to pop out from your mind when you have just started your undergrad studies in "computer science" after completing diploma in "Computer Engineering".

man, it was blank stare from me when i asked this question to myself! really! i didn't know it!

so i 'googled' it the question (as i always do) and read some articles about it recommended by my friend google.

so here it is what i understood,
basically computer science is more of theoretical and mathematical. it focuses on science of computer like how it works, writing efficient algorithms, learning algorithms stuff, how particular code works on machine etc. the 'applied' part includes computer systems, programming languages etc. { :( }

on other hand, computer engineering relates itself to more practical approach like designing, building and testing a software. it applies the algorithms and programming languages to build code for machine. simply saying it focuses more on Applications of all the theory computer science contains. { \m/ }

well, i m clearly not a computer scientist or a kick-ass computer engineer. so i may have goofed up above. so in case you want to go in the depth about the difference between the both and feeling too lazy to google it by yourself, let me provide you the links for further reference. ;)

good then! adios for now!

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